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Check caller ID

Stay safe and follow these steps when people call to your home or business.

Uisce Éireann staff and any contractors working on Uisce Éireann's behalf are trained to always identify who they are and who they are representing. They will always carry an identity card and you should ask to see this before allowing anyone to enter your home or business.

If you are unsure or suspicious, please refuse access and call us on 1800 278 278 to verify their identity.

How to recognise an Uisce Éireann contractor


The front of the Uisce Éireann I.D. card will be Uisce Éireann branded and contain the contractor company details and will contain a picture, name, card number and identity card expiry date


The reverse of the card will have the Freephone Uisce Éireann call centre number, an address to return the card if found


Our contractors will display their company logo along with the Uisce Éireann logo on their vehicles and signage


If you are not sure, please call 1800 278 278 to verify the I.D of any of our contractors


Uisce Éireann staff and contractors are trained to always identify who they are and who they are representing


They will always present their I.D.


Uisce Éireann field staff will NEVER request money from a householder.


Uisce Éireann field staff will NEVER ask for your PPS number or bank details

Tips to stay safe when people call to your home or business


Always look through a window or door viewer before opening the door


Only open your door after connecting a door chain lock or placing your foot behind the door


Switch on outside lights when it is dark


Request and examine identity cards


Always think 'safety' - do not leave strangers alone on your doorstep while you go into another room. Always close the door if you need to do this. Do not leave strangers alone on your premises


Take precautions - if you are unsure or suspicious, please refuse access

Call our Customer Care Team

If you still have doubts about the identity of the person at your door, you can phone us on 1800 278 278 to make sure that the person is visiting on behalf of Uisce Éireann.