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Night time restrictions for customers supplied by Castlepollard Low Level Public Water Supply Scheme

Restrictions due to increased demand and a drop in reservoir levels

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Westmeath County Council, wishes to advise customers supplied by Castlepollard Low Level Public Water Supply Scheme that night-time restrictions will continue for a further two nights due to increased demand and a drop in reservoir levels. The restrictions will be in place tonight Thursday 22 July from 11pm to 6am on Friday morning and from 11pm on Friday night until 6am on Saturday morning. Customers are reminded that it may take 2-3 hours for normal water supply to return to all customers following restoration time but it is important to continue to follow the HSE guidance on hand-washing.

The areas affected include Castlepollard, Delvin, Raharney, Coole, Drumcree, Whitehall, Bracklyn and surrounding areas. Customers on the Castlepollard High Level Scheme (Collinstown & Fore) and customers on the Low Level Scheme served by the Ballinlough and Brownstown Reservoirs, including Clonmellon, Archerstown & Crowenstown,  will not be affected. The night time restrictions are essential to ensure homes and businesses have sufficient supply during the daytime.

Uisce Éireann understands the inconvenience of these restrictions and is working closely with our Local Authority partners to ensure there is uninterrupted supply during daytime hours. Customers registered as vulnerable on this supply are being contacted. 

With a high-temperature weather advisory issued across the country, Uisce Éireann is continuing to urge the public to conserve water to ensure a consistent supply for all during this busy time. Uisce Éireann is continuing to see significant levels of domestic and commercial demand for water as temperatures remain high and the public are asked to take some simple measures to conserve water in their homes,  businesses and on farms. Uisce Éireann has been carefully monitoring all of its raw water sources, that is the water from lakes, rivers, springs and ground sources that feed our water treatment plants.  As rivers, lakes and groundwater levels reduce through the summer and autumn period, there is less water available for supply, while at the same time the warmer weather gives rise to increased water demands for domestic, agricultural and leisure uses.

John Gavin, Uisce Éireann, said: "While we should conserve water all year round, with the warm weather continuing and demand staying high we are appealing to Westmeath customers to conserve water for essential use only in the home, in the garden, at work and on the farm, especially over the coming weeks. By conserving water now we can help protect supplies of water in areas that are in drought or at risk of drought as we move into late Summer.

"There are lots of helpful tips for conserving water on but the key things are to leave the hose and the pressure washer in the shed; don't use paddling pools; reuse household water for the garden; and take shorter showers. Safeguarding the supply of water is essential at this time when handwashing and hygiene is of critical importance. We are calling on everyone to play their part."

Conserving water is something that we should be doing year round, not just when supplies come under pressure due to drought conditions and seasonal increases in demand. Small changes can have lasting results.

For example:

  • Take a shorter shower and save up to 10 litres of water per minute       
  • Fix dripping taps or leaking toilets in your home
  • When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the tap and save up to 6 litres of water per minute
  • Save and reuse water collected from baths, showers, and hand basins in the garden
  • Avoid using paddling pools
  • In the garden use a rose head watering can instead of a hose and aim for the roots
  • If you need to wash your car, use a bucket and sponge instead of a hose
  • Report any leaks to Uisce Éireann at 1800 278 278.

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services. With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public are reminded to adhere to public health and HSE advice, and handwashing and hygiene remain critically important. For further water conservation information, visit our Conservation section.  

Previous Updates

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Westmeath County County Council, wishes to advise customers supplied by Castlepollard Low Level Public Water Supply Scheme of night time restrictions due to increased demand and a drop in reservoir levels. The restrictions will be in place tonight Tuesday 20 July from 11pm to 6am on Wednesday morning and from 11pm on Wednesday 21 July until 6am on Thursday morning. Customers are reminded that it may take 2-3 hours for normal water supply to return to all customers following restoration time but it is important to continue to follow the HSE guidance on hand-washing.

The areas affected include Castlepollard, Delvin, Raharney, Coole, Drumcree, Whitehall, Bracklyn and surrounding areas. Customers on the Castlepollard High Level Scheme (Collinstown & Fore) and customers on the Low Level Scheme served by the Ballinlough and Brownstown Reservoirs, including Clonmellon, Archerstown & Crowenstown,  will not be affected. The night time restrictions are essential to ensure homes and businesses have sufficient supply during the daytime.

Uisce Éireann understands the inconvenience of these restrictions and is working closely with our Local Authority partners to ensure there is uninterrupted supply during daytime hours. Customers registered as vulnerable on this supply are being contacted. 

With a high-temperature weather advisory issued across the country, Uisce Éireann is continuing to urge the public to conserve water to ensure a consistent supply for all during this busy time. Uisce Éireann is continuing to see significant levels of domestic and commercial demand for water as temperatures remain high and the public are asked to take some simple measures to conserve water in their homes,  businesses and on farms. Uisce Éireann has been carefully monitoring all of its raw water sources, that is the water from lakes, rivers, springs and ground sources that feed our water treatment plants.  As rivers, lakes and groundwater levels reduce through the summer and autumn period, there is less water available for supply, while at the same time the warmer weather gives rise to increased water demands for domestic, agricultural and leisure uses.

John Gavin, Uisce Éireann, said: "While we should conserve water all year round, with the warm weather continuing and demand staying high we are appealing to Westmeath customers to conserve water for essential use only in the home, in the garden, at work and on the farm, especially over the coming weeks. By conserving water now we can help protect supplies of water in areas that are in drought or at risk of drought as we move into late Summer.

"There are lots of helpful tips for conserving water on but the key things are to leave the hose and the pressure washer in the shed; don't use paddling pools; reuse household water for the garden; and take shorter showers. Safeguarding the supply of water is essential at this time when handwashing and hygiene is of critical importance. We are calling on everyone to play their part."

Conserving water is something that we should be doing year round, not just when supplies come under pressure due to drought conditions and seasonal increases in demand. Small changes can have lasting results.

For example:

  • Take a shorter shower and save up to 10 litres of water per minute       
  • Fix dripping taps or leaking toilets in your home
  • When brushing your teeth or shaving, turn off the tap and save up to 6 litres of water per minute
  • Save and reuse water collected from baths, showers, and hand basins in the garden
  • Avoid using paddling pools
  • In the garden use a rose head watering can instead of a hose and aim for the roots
  • If you need to wash your car, use a bucket and sponge instead of a hose
  • Report any leaks to Uisce Éireann at 1800 278 278.

Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of drinking water and wastewater services. With the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic, the public are reminded to adhere to public health and HSE advice, and handwashing and hygiene remain critically important. For further water conservation information, visit our Conservation section.  

Click to view a map of the affected area Click to view a map of the affected area - opens in a new tab

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