Works progress on the Gweedore Sewerage Scheme
Uisce Éireann along with its Local Authority partner Donegal County Council, is delighted to announce the commencement of works to install pods at 40 properties as part of the innovative Demonstration Project in Gweedore. This project will solve the problem of inadequate sewage treatment in Gweedore, its over reliance on the use of septic tank systems and will improve water quality in Gweedore Bay. The project will provide environmental benefits, support future growth in the area and ensure compliance with Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive.
Speaking about the works, Uisce Éireann's Patrick Greene explained: "In 2019 Uisce Éireann successfully completed the installation of the pressure sewer network associated with this project. This required the installation of approximately 2.5km of new wastewater network along Factory Road, the Lower Road and the link road connecting both. As part of the next phase of this project, Uisce Éireann has commenced works to install pods at approximately 40 properties in Gweedore. As these works progress, we will continue to engage with the local community and those participating in the scheme."
The benefits of this project to the wider community will be far reaching. Speaking about these positive impacts Patrick said: "This innovative new sewerage scheme will ultimately lead to a reduction on the reliance of septic tanks in the area. This will decrease the discharge of untreated wastewater to the environment by enhancing the treatment of wastewater. Upon completion, the project will benefit all those living and visiting the area and will have a significant positive impact on water quality in Gweedore Bay and improve water quality for swimmers, surfers and fishermen."
Cleantech Civils is delivering the work on behalf of Uisce Éireann. It is expected that the installation of the pods and associated works will take approximately 6 months to complete. The collected wastewater will then be treated at the existing Údaras na Gaeltachta Wastewater Treatment Plant. This wastewater treatment plant will also undergo a significant upgrade to ensure continued compliance with Uisce Éireann maintenance standards.
This project forms part of Uisce Éireann's investment plan where works have been prioritised to address the most critical issues in line with commitments outlined in Uisce Éireann's business plan. Delivery of the business plan will involve a €5.5bn investment in capital spending on drinking water and wastewater quality and capacity and new infrastructure up to the end of 2021.
Uisce Éireann continues to work at this time with our Local Authority partners, contractors and others to safeguard the health and well-being of both staff and the public and to ensure the continuity of critical drinking water and wastewater services. Uisce Éireann would like to remind people to follow the HSE COVID-19 advice and ensure frequent handwashing.
For more details on the project, please check out our Gweedore Sewerage Scheme project page.
Dul chun cinn ar oibreacha ar Scéim Séarachais Ghaoth Dobhair trí shuiteáil cochall nuálach
Tá lúcháir ar Uisce Éireann, in éineacht lena chomhpháirtí in Údarás Áitiúil Chomhairle Contae Dhún na nGall, tosú oibreacha a fhógairt chun cochaill a shuiteáil ag 40 réadmhaoin mar chuid den Tionscadal Taispeána nuálach i nGaoth Dobhair. Leis an tionscadal seo réiteofar an fhadhb a bhaineann le cóireáil camrais neamhimleor i nGaoth Dobhair, mar aon lena spleáchas iomarcach ar chórais dabhach séarachais a úsáid agus feabhsófar cáilíocht an uisce leis i mBá Ghaoth Dobhair. Tríd an tionscadal soláthrófar tairbhí don chomhshaoil, tacófar le fás amach anseo sa cheantar agus cinnteofar go gcomhlíonfar an Treoir maidir le Cóireáil Fuíolluisce Uirbigh.
Agus é ag labhairt faoi na hoibreacha, thug Patrick Greene ó Uisce Éireann an míniú a leanas: "In 2019 chríochnaigh Uisce Éireann suiteáil an líonra séarach brú go rathúil a bhaineann leis an tionscadal seo. Theastaigh uaidh sin suiteáil thart ar 2.5km de líonra fuíolluisce nua feadh Bhóthar na Monarchan, feadh an Bhóthair Íochtair agus feadh an bhóthair cheangail lena nasctar an dá bhóthar. Mar chuid den chéad chéim eile den tionscadal seo, chuir Uisce Éireann tús le suiteáil cochall ag thart ar 40 réadmhaoin i nGaoth Dobhair agus leanfaimid de theagmháil a dhéanamh leis an bpobal áitiúil agus leo siúd atá ag glacadh páirt sa scéime de réir mar a rachaidh an tionscadal ar aghaidh."
Beidh tairbhí forleathana ar fáil don phobal níos leithne mar gheall ar an tionscadal seo. Agus é ag labhairt faoi na tionchair dhearfacha sin, dúirt Patrick: "Mar thoradh ar an scéim séarachais nuálach nua seo ar deireadh thiar beidh laghdú ar spleáchas ar dhabhcha séarachais sa cheantar. Mar gheall air sin laghdófar sceitheadh fuíolluisce neamhchóireáilte sa chomhshaol trí chóireáil fuíolluisce a fheabhsú. Nuair a bheidh sé críochnaithe, beidh an tionscadal ina thairbhe dóibh siúd uile a chónaíonn sa cheantar agus a thugann cuairt air agus beidh tionchar dearfach suntasach aige ar cháilíocht an uisce i mBá Ghaoth Dobhair do shnámhaithe, do shurfálaithe agus d'iascairí."
Tá an obair á soláthar ag Cleantech Civils thar ceann Uisce Éireann. Táthar ag súil go dtógfar thart ar 6 mhí chun suiteáil na gcochall agus na hoibreacha gaolmhara a bhaineann leo a chur i gcrích. Ansin déanfar an fuíolluisce a bhaileofar a chóireáil ag ionad cóireála fuíolluisce reatha de chuid Údarás na Gaeltachta. Déanfar uasghrádú suntasach ar an ionad cóireála fuíolluisce sin freisin d'fhonn a chinntiú go gcomhlíontar caighdeáin cothabhála Uisce Éireann.
Is cuid de phlean infheistíochta Uisce Éireann an tionscadal seo nuair a cuireadh oibreacha in ord tosaíochta chun tabhairt faoi na fadhbanna is criticiúla ar aon dul leis na gealltanais atá sonraithe i bplean gnó Uisce Éireann. Beidh infheistíocht €5.5 billiún i gcaiteachas caipitil ar cháilíocht agus ar acmhainn um uisce óil agus fuíolluisce agus ar bhonneagar nua suas go dtí deireadh 2021 i gceist chun an plean gnó a sheachadadh.
Leanann Uisce Éireann de bheith ag obair ag an am seo lenár gcomhpháirtithe sna húdaráis áitiúla, le conraitheoirí agus le daoine eile chun sláinte agus folláine na foirne agus an phobail araon a chosaint agus chun leanúnachas seirbhísí uisce óil agus fuíolluisce a áirithiú. Ba mhaith le hUisce Éireann a mheabhrú do dhaoine an chomhairle faoi COVID-19 ó FSS a leanúint agus deimhin a dhéanamh de go nífidh siad a lámha go minic.
Le haghaidh sonraí breise a fháil faoin tionscadal, tabhair cuairt ar ár leathanach tionscadail um Scéim Séarachais Ghaoth Dobhair.