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Staleen Water Treatment Plant to Windmill Hill Reservoir Water Mains Replacement

Uisce Éireann is progressing plans to replace 18km of watermains between Staleen Water Treatment Plant and the East Meath Reservoir at Windmill Hill. This investment will provide for future growth while providing resilience and security of supply across East Meath.

Uisce Éireann, working in partnership with Meath County Council, is progressing plans to replace 18 kilometres of PVC trunk watermain between the Staleen Water Treatment Plant and the Reservoir at Windmill Hill. The existing PVC trunk watermain between Staleen WTP and Windmill Hill Reservoir is the sole water supply to the East Meath Water Supply Zone, which extends from Duleek to Ashbourne. The replacement watermain will address the security of supply issues that are recurring and will provide capacity to facilitate future planned growth and development in the area.


What is involved as part of this project?

Approximately 18 kilometres of watermain will be replaced between the Staleen Water Treatment Plant and Windmill Hill Reservoir.

What are the benefits of these works?

The works carried out as part of this project will:

  • Improve the security of the drinking water supply and provide greater network resilience across East Meath.
  • Enable the long term social and economic development of the wider Co. Meath area.

What is happening next?

The preferred route has been identified by Uisce Eireann. Consultation with landowners and surveys of the proposed route are ongoing. The timeline for the commencement of works is subject to planning and statutory approvals. We will endeavour to keep you updated as the project progresses.

Proposed pipeline route for Staleen water treatment plant to Windmill Hill reservoir

Figure 1: Proposed Pipeline Route from Staleen Water Treatment Plant to Windmill Hill Reservoir

Figure 2: Navan / East Meath Water Supply Zone - Infrastructure Projects

Works Completed and Next Steps

​This project is one of a number of similar projects prioritised by Uisce Éireann to reduce interruptions or outages to the drinking water supply and facilitate growth for the Navan/Mid Meath & East Meath Water Supply Zones. For more information on these projects visit

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